Rescue 7 Weekly Review: September 21st-27th
Summer has come and gone, and our “break” is definitely over. Here are some of the ways we have been gearing up for Fall below!
Rescue 7 attended the 2015 National Safety Council Expo in Atlanta, Georgia, taking place September 28th-30th. Our Excel Chair won 2nd prize for the Best New Product!
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An important advertisement recently released by Scouts South Africa shows a major advantage of learning CPR early in life. “Once you learn how to safe a life, you’re not likely to forget.” The powerful ad reveals the long-standing strength of a CPR or First Aid course as a young person.
To see the ad, and to check out Scouts South Africa, click here.
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Are you a lifeguard that needs to update their Standard or Emergency First Aid? Need First Aid qualifications to get a job? Are you a security guard, or a child caregiver? Rescue 7 can help!
Check out our website for more information on how to register for public classes in your area.
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Donated by the Chase McEachern Tribute Fund, John McEachern (right) of the Rescue 7 team presented a HeartSine 500P AED to Janet Fairbridge, of the Campbell House (Hospice Georgian Triangle).