Two Recent Saves!
Our defibrillators save lives! Check out the two most recent saves on opposite ends of the country below. While it is unfortunate that our AEDs had to be used, we are glad they were easily accessible and successful.
Ottawa, ON – A healthy 62-year-old male collapsed while working out at a fitness facility. Fortunately, the gym had Rescue 7’s HeartSine SAM350P on hand, and their trained staff, along with an off-duty paramedic, grabbed the AED and began CPR. A shock was delivered prior to the arrival of EMS, who took over with CPR. The patient is now resting in hospital and a full recovery is expected.
Victoria, BC – A healthy middle-aged female employee of a processing plant arrived at work and began her shift. Within 10 minutes of beginning her work day, she was walking down the hall and collapsed. Her fellow colleagues had all been trained in first aid by Rescue 7, and the facility had installed Rescue 7’s HeartSine SAM500P, with real-time CPR feedback, just a year ago. Training instincts took over, and the well-executed emergency response, with early defibrillation from the AED, is credited for saving her life.