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Course Description

Thinking about safety should be as natural as thinking about other aspects of a job. Employees should be able to anticipate the possibility of accidents before they happen. Yet workplace accidents cause millions of painful injuries every year and cost businesses almost $90 billion per year in medical bills, lost wages, and lost production time.

This Health & Safety Orientation course addresses two of the most prominent safety issues confronting employers today: developing a good safety attitude in their employees, and providing introductory safety training. The program will discuss common industry hazards as well as employee and employer expectations relating to methods of control. Industry and company expectations are covered, such as “right-to-refuse” and drug and alcohol compliance, in addition to legislative overviews of applicable legislative requirements.

The overall message of this health and safety orientation training is that individuals, no matter their role or position, need to take responsibility for their own personal safety as well as the safety of those they work with. This training is to be conducted for all employees and can also be coupled with current company specific orientations.

Online and in-class training options available.

Who Can Benefit From This Course

All new employers, supervisors and workers in a company.


Health and Safety Orientation for Employees
Private Training


Health and Safety Orientation Training certificates from Rescue 7 Inc. do not expire.